Real Man: How You Can Become a Man, Who You Should be, to Attract Women to Yourself and Achieve Success【電子書籍】[ Malwina Gartner ]
<p>You can decide yourself who you want to be - whether a man or another crock and a caricature of what should be a real man. If you will choose to be a man and wish to make improvement in this difficult task, this guidebook will help you. It is written specially to make you understand what to do and what not to do on your way to true masculinity. I don’t promise that this will be an easy road, because it will require a number of conformations and the transition of specific initiation of masculinity, but it will be worth it. Both you and your woman will be finally satisfied with it.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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